Tuesday 2 July 2013

Top to Bottom Rainbow

Another visit to a part of Bristol we have never been - Easton and we had to sit in the car and wait until this Gromit was clear of young boys who were sitting all over it. I had to explain to Michael that although the Gromit says Do Not Climb on it, teenagers are clearly not going to follow the instructions of a sign. being a teacher, I have to put up with teenagers not following instructions every day!

This is Roger (my favourite name of a Gromit!) and he is Number 69 along the trail. He is a colourful installation in a small shopping centre, off set from the main road. He is designed by Richard Williams - a Canadian-British animator most famous as an animation director on Who Framed Roger Rabbit (hence the name). He claims his design is inspired by the rainbow - all the colours appear on this Gromit. I like stripes, so this appeals to me! 

Gromit Number:      69
Gromit Artist:          Richard Williams
Gromit Location:     Top to Bottom Furnishing Specialist

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